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To quote Groucho yet again, along with another raft of stuff.

Submitted by Roanman on Sat, 10/27/2012 - 09:15


I think we've been plain enough in our opposition to the candidates for President being offered up by America's two great political parties.

We cheerfully acknowledge the liklihood that in addition to being deeply opposed to many/most/if not all of the policies put forward by President Obama, Mr. Romney and their respective party platforms, this may reflect a personal problem on our part as we have internalized ... and then some ... the following credo first presented by the beloved Groucho Marx.




So anyway, the libertarian/anti-war types have sniffed us out and have been bombing us with the stuff.

So to speak.

The following are some of our favorites.

We begin with Terry D's hands down favorite, which mostly just creeps me out.







Our strongly held opinion is that the next couple whatevertheyares accurately depict the overwhelming tone of the 2012 election.

This year, America will be voting against.




Conan get's it.



 America's contempt for the political class continues to grow. 




Which in the case of Vice President Biden, that contempt is well earned.



Speaking of War, some people are beginning to notice that the supposed anti-war left has been AWOL for the past four years and have drawn some conclusions.




Bastiat Institute and Philosoarapter have some not unreasonable doubts ... if you ask us ... about all of it.




Finally, a warning.



Be afraid ..... Be very afraid.