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To quote University of Chicago Professor of Law and Current Obama Administration Mucky Muck Cass Sunstein and Bugs Bunny

Submitted by Roanman on Sat, 02/04/2012 - 18:02


In what sense is the money in our pockets and bank accounts fully ‘ours’? 

Did we earn it by our own autonomous efforts? 

Could we have inherited it without the assistance of probate courts?  

Do we save it without the support of bank regulators?  

Could we spend it if there were no public officials to coordinate the efforts and pool the resources of the community in which we live?  

Without taxes, there would be no liberty. 

Without taxes there would be no property. 

Without taxes, few of us would have any assets worth defending.  

[It is] a dim fiction that some people enjoy and exercise their rights without placing any burden whatsoever on the public… 

There is no liberty without dependency. 


I just love the part about, "Could we have inherited it without the assistance of the probate courts?"

Here ya go Son, it's all yours.




The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns ... not really but so what?

Submitted by Roanman on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 07:21


Here's a nicely done graphic from Bloomberg and US Global Funds of the yearly return over the past ten years for many of the most commonly traded commodities.

Click on the table for an enlarged version that you can actually read.

Click the gears above pointing at US Funds for Frank Holmes short, clear and simple piece with some more simple and clear charting from US Gobal Research who would like for you to open an account.



And should you choose to read Mr. Holmes article, do so with the wisdom of Casey Stengel firmly placed in the front of your mind.




To quote Charles Dudley Warner over and over and ...

Submitted by Roanman on Tue, 01/31/2012 - 06:55


Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.

Happy is said to be the family which can eat onions together. They are, for the time being, separate, from the world, and have a harmony of aspiration.

I am convinced that the majority of people would be generous from selfish motives, if they had the opportunity.

Lettuce is like conversation; it must be fresh and crisp, so sparkling that you scarcely notice the bitter in it.

No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.

No one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.  

One of the best things in the world to be is a boy; it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one.

The boy who expects every morning to open into a new world finds that today is like yesterday, but he believes tomorrow will be different.

People always overdo the matter when they attempt deception.

Regrets are idle; yet history is one long regret. Everything might have turned out so differently.

Perhaps nobody ever accomplishes all that he feels lies in him to do; but nearly every one who tries his power touches the walls of his being.

Public opinion is stronger than the legislature, and nearly as strong as the Ten Commandments.

Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.

The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value.

What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back, with a hinge in it.

The thing generally raised on city land is taxes.

There is nothing that disgusts a man like getting beaten at chess by a woman.

There isn't a wife in the world who has not taken the exact measure of her husband, weighed him and settled him in her own mind, and knows him as well as if she had ordered him after designs and specifications of her own.

There was never a nation great until it came to the knowledge that it had nowhere in the world to go for help.

We are half ruined by conformity, but we should be wholly ruined without it.

It is fortunate that each generation does not comprehend its own ignorance. We are thus enabled to call our ancestors barbarous.


What the hell is a Libertarian anyway?

Submitted by Roanman on Thu, 01/26/2012 - 07:10


I found this quote over at our friend Cheri P's facebook page the other day and can't source it.

If indeed source is a verb.

Among my final efforts to put a name to this quote, I called Terry D. who despite his claims of busyness and hard work is even less engaged by his employment than I am ..... and I'm retired.

My foolish thought being that he might be able/willing to provide some small help.

But nooooooooo!!!!!

In the middle of that conversation Terry asked the above question and then once again and as usual, suggested that I should look into it.

I'm pretty sure he sort of knows, just as I sort of know, but would like to have a more perfect understanding provided for him.

I'm pretty busy at the moment myself, but did find and attach a link to the quote below that will take you to a primer at

I'll probably explore it some over the weekend.




To quote Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran speaking to the UN 9/23/2011

Submitted by Roanman on Fri, 01/20/2012 - 06:03


"Approximately, three billion people of the world live on less than 2.5 dollars a day, and over a billion people live without having even one sufficient meal on a daily basis; 

Forty-percent of the poorest world populations only share five percent of the global income, while twenty percent of the richest people share seventy-five percent of the total global income.

More than twenty thousand innocent and destitute children die every day in the world because of poverty. In the United States, eighty percent of financial resources are controlled by ten percent of its population, while only twenty percent of these resources belong to the ninety percent of the population ...

Which country's military spending exceeds annually a thousand billion dollars, more than the military budgets of all countries of the world combined?

...What is the justification for the presence of hundreds of US military and intelligence bases in different parts of the world, including 268 bases in Germany, 124 in Japan, 87 in South Korea, 83 in Italy, 45 in the United Kingdom,and 21 in Portugal?

Does this mean anything other than military occupation?"


To quote Fred Reed once again

Submitted by Roanman on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 17:21


As previously discussed, we love Fred Reed.

Click on Fred's photo to link up to his outstanding and provacative site


Vote? Why? ...

I want to roll back the onrushing police state and return to constitutional government. ...

Who do I vote for? ...

I want to end our stupid wars, now. Yesterday.

Who do I vote for?

There is no anti'war candidate (ERP). Obama sends the troops anywhere he can think of, and all the Republicans want to attack Iran. I want to reduce the military by half and end the militarization of the country that is bankrupting us.

Who do I vote for? (ERP) 

I want to reduce the size of government, get rid of the departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, and Commerce, toss the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and so on. What candidate wants to do these things? Republicans talk a good show, but which of them actually wants to cut?

I want to end affirmative action, which means governmental favor for some citizens over others, and rely on merit. No candidate speaks of this.

Who do I vote for?

I want to end the empire, quit meddling in the business of other countries, get out of South Korea, Japan, and NATO. I don't want to be the world's mommy.

Who do I vote for?

I want to reform America's dysfunctional system of taxation, go to a sales tax or flat tax or value-added tax, anything to get IRS off our backs. It isn't the amount of taxation that I dislike, but the intrusiveness, mystery, complexity, and lack of recourse.

Who do I vote for?

I want to reform the public schools, outlaw teachers unions, requires decent GRE scores from teachers, cut the propaganda and outlaw drugging of students.

Who do I vote for?

Why vote at all?

Nothing of substance is on the table, other than the desire of Republicans to attack Iran. 

The elections are supposed to indicate the presence of democracy, but they do not. Elections do not determine policy but only the division of spoils. An election in which candidates take no positions becomes a high-school popularity contest.

The way to have elections without having a democracy is to let the people vote, but not on anything.

Having a one party system called by two names is a technically slick way of disenfranchising the public without their noticing. In a parliamentary system all manner of politics would gain expression in proportion to their prevalence in the population.

With two identical parties, no dissenting view can ever gain office.

A masterly dodge, this.


Nobody around here has clue one what (ERP) means.


To quote Casey Stengel over and over and .....

Submitted by Roanman on Sun, 01/15/2012 - 07:04


Never make predictions, especially about the future.

Good pitching will always stop good hitting and vice-versa.

All right , line up alphabetically according to your height.

Don't cut my throat, I may want to do that later myself.

Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in.

I got players with bad watches - they can't tell midnight from noon.  

We are in such a slump that even the ones that are drinkin' aren't hittin'.

You gotta learn that if you don't get it by midnight, chances are you ain't gonna get it, and if you do, it ain't worth it.

Don't drink in the hotel bar, that's where I do my drinking. (To Whitey Ford)

I came in here and a fella asked me to have a drink. I said I don't drink. Then another fella said hear you and Joe DiMaggio aren't speaking and I said I'll take that drink.

I don't like them fellas who drive in two runs and let in three.

I was not successful as a ball player, as it was a game of skill.

Old timers games, weekends, and airplane landings are alike. If you can walk away from them, they're successful.

If we're going to win the pennant, we've got to start thinking we're not as good as we think we are.

Now there's three things that can happen in a ball game: you can win, you can lose, or it can rain.

Managing is getting paid for home runs that someone else hits.

The secret of managing is to keep the guys who hate you away from the guys who are undecided.

Son, we'd like to keep you around this season but we're going to try and win a pennant.

Nobody knows this but one of us just got traded to Kansas City.

I feel greatly honored to have a ballpark named after me, especially since I've been thrown out of so many.

You got to get twenty-seven outs to win.

Most games are lost, not won.

You gotta lose 'em some of the time. When you do, lose 'em right.

The Yankees don't pay me to win every day, just two out of three.

Without losers, where would the winners be?

You have to go broke three times to learn how to make a living.

There comes a time in every man's life, and I've had plenty of them.

The trick is growing up without growing old.



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